Show HN: Pomoglorbo, a TUI Pomodoro timer for your terminal

65 points by justusw 9 days ago

This started out as a fork of pydoro and turned into a playground for dataclasses and strict mypy type checking. Some of the advanced features are

- it writes the current status into .local/state/pomoglorbo for i3status/xbar - it is very configurable, including cmd hooks to run after a Pomodoro/break finishes or starts

The layout is compact, and it runs well over SSH/Mosh/Tmux.

localfirst 9 days ago

couldn't install it because i have python 3.10

  • justusw 8 days ago

    Thanks for your feedback. You are right. I've lowered the minimum version to Python 3.10. If you want to give it another try, the package is on PyPI now.

pvdebbe 9 days ago

    sleep 20m ; mpc pause
I keep it simple.
  • timetraveller26 9 days ago
      while true; do
        echo "Time to work, dumbass" | festival --tts
        sleep 25m || rm -rf /
        echo "Have some rest, dumbass" | festival --tts
        sleep 5m
    • atsaloli 8 days ago

      What’s the “rm -rf /“ for?

      • argiopetech 7 days ago

        It adds an incentive not to cancel the pomodoro.

  • argiopetech 9 days ago

    Probably easier to use shell history, but I like a loop.

      while () ; do sleep 20m; mpv bing.mp3; read; done
  • globalnode 9 days ago

    simpler than mine:

      import time
      import argparse
      def main(mins):
        print(f"Starting pomodoro timer: {mins} minutes.")
        for m in range(mins, 0, -1):
            secs = 60
            for s in range(secs, 0, -1):
                print(f"{m-1}:{s-1}    ", end='\r')
        print("Timer finished - take a break!\a")
      if __name__ == "__main__":
          parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Pomodoro Timer.")
        parser.add_argument("mins", type=int, help="minutes to time.")
        args = parser.parse_args()
    • justusw 9 days ago

      Good one! That's pretty much how I started and then ended up with Pomoglorbo instead. I have wanted the timer to integrate with timewarrior, and automatically time what I am working and also keep track of my breaks. Another issue is that when your computer sleeps, you'd want to keep counting seconds in the background, so time.sleep(1) will lose accuracy very quickly.

      • jbaber 9 days ago

        You can use time.sleep in a loop to tick of seconds, but actually check the diff between now and start time to know how much time has passed.

  • meribold 9 days ago

    Mine has an ASCII cow to keep you motivated and accountable:

    • localfirst 9 days ago

      just tried to run it and it says i dont have cowsay command which is just an output of a text based cow with a cartoon bubble

      So far on my M1:

      1. I tried to install Pomoglorbo, fails due to python requirement

      2. Scrolling down I find muccadoro, fails due to dependency

      3. 10 minutes in im feeling the impact and inefficient

      4. Should've just kept moving