breck 8 days ago

Oh my goodness.

Claude 3's Sonnet can whip up this sort of thing now in seconds:

It struggles with a few of the more advanced features (in particular, getting advanced features to interplay correctly), but it nails 80% of it on the first try, and generates better visual design than me.

In contrast, it took me a few days to build this (but then again, I was also doing it as research into building yet another react like framework, at that time).

cobbal 4 days ago

With this you can even roll a QR code into a game of minesweeper:

  • breck 3 days ago

    Love it!

    I wonder what CSS tweaks would be needed to get phone cameras to read these properly.

    Would definitely accept a pull request for a keyboard shortcut "q" that words like "w" except generates a QR code :)

Zobat 3 days ago

Surprisingly tedious playing the board generated from a word. Lots of high numbers and few gaps made for a lot of clicking.

The fact that I tried a few times to click left+right button on digits tells me I've spent enough time playing minesweeper.

For anyone who haven't tried to become competitive at minesweeper, clicking both mouse buttons on a digit that has the right amount of "bomb marks" on neighboring squares makes the (Windows) game click on all not yet clicked squares.

trevoragilbert 4 days ago

This is fun! In trying to find an edge with generating based on a word, from what I can tell it also has a border of not-bombs which gives the player an edge they wouldn't have in classic minesweeper.

breck 8 days ago

2 ways to craft your own board:

1. Press "w" to enter a string that will be converted to a board

2. On a new board before clicking any piece, start adding flags. A link will appear to a custom board where each flag will be a mine.

eps 5 days ago

Browsing from an (older) iPad and linked page shows up as a blank. Just FYI.

alejoar 4 days ago

For anyone wondering without time, the solution is E=MC^2