Meta has suspended my Facebook account

20 points by michaelbrooks 3 months ago

I tried using Facebook this morning to find out that my account had been suspended due to an Instagram account not following their rules.

The account "emuoz1w9nruyysu" has nothing to do with me. I have never created that account and don't have access to it.

However, Facebook has said I can only regain access to my account by appealing from that IG account. I don't know how it got associated with me, as I have never received a request to administrate or moderate that account, and I can't log into it to appeal.

I have 180 days, but I feel stuck between a rock and a hard place, and the issue feels stupid. I just wanted to vent and hope that maybe someone here might know what happened and how I could rectify this issue.

MichaelRo 3 months ago

>> maybe someone here might know what happened and how I could rectify this issue

Rectify it is but in the sense that taking it up your rectum from Meta as many others. They rectify people's account quite a lot from what I could tell reading HN posts :)

  • michaelbrooks 3 months ago

    Haha thanks for the humor and bringing a smile to my face despite Meta's stupidity :D

borisk 3 months ago

Upvoted your post - hopefully someone working for Meta sees it and decides to help you.

Other than that, you can just stop using FB :)

  • michaelbrooks 3 months ago

    Thank you, and I only use it to keep updated with friends and family. Maybe this is more of a blessing in disguise

    • beretguy 3 months ago

      And you have a perfect excuse. If anyone asks why you don’t use Facebook you can just tell the truth.

beretguy 3 months ago

Congratulations! Take this as an opportunity to quit Facebook.

  • michaelbrooks 3 months ago

    I barely use Facebook to be honest, but it still had all my memories and connections. I've had this account for a very long time.

    • qarl 3 months ago

      I've heard you can sue them in small claims court to get your account back.

      Apparently it's the only thing that works.

      Because, you know, dystopia.

    • alexvoda 3 months ago

      Use this opportunity to remind your friends to download a backup of all of their facebook data.

meiraleal 3 months ago

> I have 180 days, but I feel stuck between a rock and a hard place, and the issue feels stupid

You look way more stupid for bringing this "issue" to a forum like HN. And HN ranking it in the frontpage is the cherry on top.

  • happymellon 3 months ago

    I didn't vote on this, however I'm not surprised.

    Corporations should not be the gatekeepers to our accounts.

    I cannot use my Apple account because even though my credit card is on the account, my email and postal address, however the phone number has a typo so they won't help. I luckily haven't lost any data but it's also the parent account to my kids accounts, so they are also basically unmanageable. I don't post on here to complain, Apple has now lost my and my family's custom because they don't care enough, but the more we talk about this the more people should be aware that there are plenty of silly ways that you can lose access to data stored with them and you should export everything.

  • michaelbrooks 3 months ago

    Why? Things like this happen all the time and make it to the front page of HN. I've seen people's Google accounts get locked out because of stupid reasons. The IG account has no connection to my Facebook account, and I can't understand how it has affected my Facebook account.

simonblack 3 months ago

Some people have all the luck!

sidharthskumar 3 months ago

Same issue with me. My account got suspended and I have no linked Insta account. What is going on? I have lost access to 16 yrs of my memories. Its a legit account of an ordinary person. Why did they disable my account? Can they rectify it? How do I contact them? There is no form or chat or phone or email support. Please help.

ros33 3 months ago


Aleksdev 3 months ago


  • michaelbrooks 3 months ago

    I'm not addicted, but I've had that account since I was a teen, and it carries many memories and connections. I shared it here, hoping someone had a similar experience and could maybe share if they fixed it.

    It's nothing like that at all.

    • Aleksdev 3 months ago

      Oh ok, still a bit strange to post here but in that case don’t take it too hard. Getting banned from a big platform for no reason or a silly reason is like a right of passage nowadays :)