workfromspace 4 days ago

This is the first time I felt a reality in space travel became closer to "For All Mankind".

gregorymichael 4 days ago

What’s the option if Starliner is not cleared for return? Elon to the rescue?

  • snowwrestler 4 days ago

    Starliner is currently cleared to return. The astronauts are not stranded. Mission leadership has opted to extend the stay on the station because it is the best place to troubleshoot the issues they are having.

  • consumer451 3 days ago

    The best option I heard in the previous post on this topic was to bump two astronauts off of SpaceX's Crew-9 in August. Then Suni and Butch would stay up another 180 days and come down with Crew-9.

  • alisiddiq 4 days ago

    That will just Elongate the process

api 4 days ago

What's happened at Boeing is so remarkably systemic it really needs a book length detailed treatment. I hope one is coming.

The entire company seems to have been absolutely utterly gutted.

  • hdhshdhshdjd 4 days ago

    It’s the same for pretty much everything across the board: the “got mine” generation thinks they can take all the wealth and resources with them to the grave, leave us with the PFAS, climate change, gutted social safety net, destroyed companies, and the truth is they’ll be dead before the bill comes due.

    • stevenally 4 days ago

      It's not a generation, it's a type of person and a cultural attitude. The majority of older people own nothing and had no say in the running of the world.

      • hdhshdhshdjd 4 days ago

        Reagan carried 49 of 50 states in 1984. The vast majority of the problems we see today are rooted in Reaganism.

        On the other side of the pond the same generation of voters gutted the UK under Thatcher, then sacrificed their children and grandchildren at the altar of Brexit.

        The generation who destroyed the social safety their parents gave them is on the hook for this, even if the majority of them also get to enjoy the fruits of their decisions.

      • lawlessone 4 days ago

        >The majority of older people own nothing and had no say in the running of the world.

        What's sad is many of those that got shafted will still defend what's happened.

    • matthewdgreen 4 days ago

      "Got mine" generation is definitely part of it, but demanding N% returns from an economy that has GDP growth of (N/2)% (and a lot of that just paper wealth from the finance industry) is the more proximate cause.

  • rootusrootus 2 days ago

    > systemic

    That's overselling it a bit. The Boeing Defense, Space, & Security company is owned by Boeing, but it's a separate organization with its own CEO. Maybe there are problems, but assuming they are the same problems that Boeing Commercial Airplanes has is a stretch.

  • btgeekboy 3 days ago

    This one’s been on my wishlist for a bit:

    Flying Blind: The 737 MAX Tragedy and the Fall of Boeing

  • ChainOfFools 3 days ago

    How much of this issue (specifically affecting the spaceflight project), if any, do you think was instigated from talent being lured away?

  • nullserver 4 days ago


    • roughly 4 days ago

      All of the actual reporting, internal documentation, and employee testimonials indicate this is a management issue, not an employee competency issue, and that it goes back to the shotgun wedding with McDonald Douglass. I know you’d like the scary TLA to be the culprit here, but it’s not - you’re going to have to go look for something to confirm your bias somewhere else.

      • maxbond 4 days ago

        Additionally, you would be hard pressed to find a corporation of that size which hasn't made some kind of DEI pledge over the years. Here's a page on Nvidia 's website [1] talking about their supposed commitment to DEI. How are we to know that Nvidia's wild success of late isn't due to their inclusivity?

        Of course we know Nvidia's rise has nothing to do with DEI, because we understand the context - there's an AI boom and they're selling shovels. By the same token, we know that Boeing's cultural rot has nothing to do with DEI, because people have been talking about this for decades.

        Personally I think this is empty rhetoric companies employ to boost their stock price by getting included in ESG indexes. Political commentators on the right take advantage of this to fan the flames of culture war.

        Don't fall for either side of this grift. It's just people talking their book.


    • Sohcahtoa82 4 days ago

      > I’m probably gonna get banned for this

      Not likely, it seems it takes a LOT to get banned from HN.

      But still, the assumption that every non-white person hired is a "diversity" hire before even looking at their qualifications is incredibly racist.

      • rootusrootus 2 days ago

        I wonder if non-white people are tired of being pawns in this game which seems largely to be played between white people. How demoralizing it must be to know that a non-trivial number of the people you interact with professionally believe you are only there because of the color of your skin and not your qualifications.

      • ggdG 4 days ago

        > the assumption that every non-white person hired is a "diversity" hire before even looking at their qualifications is incredibly racist.

        That's not an assumption that GP makes.

        • Sohcahtoa82 4 days ago

          That's exactly the assumption the GP made.

      • nullserver 4 days ago


        • exe34 4 days ago

          they must have been really desperate, from the little you've told us here.

          edit: sorry dang.

    • amanaplanacanal 4 days ago

      The whole idea of DEI is that there are competent people that have been overlooked because of extraneous factors. If you have evidence that this led to hiring incompetent people you should probably provide it.

    • api 4 days ago

      I've seen this claim around but IMHO this is an attempt to spew smoke and blame-shift. Check out the board and C-suite. It ain't that diverse.

      What I've heard is that they cleaned house of everyone who "made too much" (meaning the senior people), outsourced a lot, did the usual MBA-style hollowing out maneuver. If DEI played any role it was as a lame excuse to cut down all the tall poppies and avoid age discrimination or union objections. The real motive would have been to dump all the people whose salaries were too high and replace them with fresh out of college or offshore workers.

    • corinroyal 4 days ago

      Wow. That IS a dumb take. Have you even seen the board?

DrStartup 4 days ago

This is a shit article.

Helium leak is in the trunk. They jettison that on return, so only way to debug is to stay at the station for a few a days. Well within parameters.

They are cleared to depart if an emergency.

  • fourteenfour 4 days ago

    No doubt, the statements involving timelines are confusingly presented. Departure has been delayed 3 times due to the helium leak testing, earliest they will leave is on June 26th and I think the dock can support the capsule there for 45 days or until July 28th.

jncfhnb 4 days ago

They are relatively fine there if the window is missed, right?

  • mathsmath 4 days ago

    Yes. Worst case, they will have to take a Dragon or Soyuz home.

    • russfink 13 hours ago

      Can they do that if they have not received specific training on it?

    • htrp 4 days ago

      taking a dragon or soyuz back may be the straw that breaks the camels back for starliner

      • 9659 4 days ago

        rather kill the program than lose a couple of astronauts. my opinion, Boeing stockholders may feel differently.

        • Havoc 3 days ago

          Boeing seems to have a high risk tolerance when it comes to others lives

vimax 4 days ago

> "We've learned that our helium system is not performing as designed," Mark Nappi, Boeing's Starliner program manager, said

No, it is working exactly as designed, and the design sucks.