Show HN: Listen to TTS content in private RSS feeds

7 points by spruce_tips 5 days ago

Hey HN!

I’m excited to show off a small project I’ve been tinkering with called redecibel.

redecibel lets you listen to text to speech content in your podcast player. Your audio gets published to your own private RSS feed that isn’t searchable in podcast players.

Some of the features: - Unlimited audio generation, downloads, and storage - Listen in your podcast player via private RSS feeds or on our website - Choose from 6 AI voices - Immersive reading experience with word definitions and classifications in web app - Share audio with your friends - Listen in 40+ languages. Input text language is automatically detected

It costs $12/month or $120/year. Start with a 7 day free trial that you can cancel anytime. No CC required.

Some background on the project:

Recently, I was learning about AI and was keeping notes in a google doc. Then I was going for a jog, and wanted a way to listen to my notes while running. So I spent the weekend building a prototype and have been refining it over the past few weeks. I chose RSS feeds as the core listening medium because you can listen to them in most podcast players and I didn’t want to use yet another audio app. I’ve since added a way to listen directly on our website after a few early users requested it. Today, I mainly use redecibel to queue up interesting HN articles in my podcast player that I otherwise wouldn’t have time to read. Hope you enjoy it! Would love any feedback.

What features should I build next?

smcleod 10 hours ago

> “redecibel is no longer operational as of July 2024. Scroll down to see what our product was about. For inquires, please email”

What happened? It doesn’t say anything about why it shut down?

gus_massa 5 days ago

The text says 6 AI voices, but at the top there are only 4. (Not a huge problem, but people never reads the text.)

The site has Spanish(Spain) and Spanish(Mexico). Are you planing to add Spainsh(Latinoamerica) or Spanish(Neutral)? (I'm not sure how they are called, but it's more like a blend of all the Spanish versions.) Note that this is more important to generate text than to read text, becuase it tries to choose words that evederyone unserstand. [Hi from Argentina!]

If I share an audio with a friend, is it neccesary that my friend has an account?

  • spruce_tips 5 days ago

    Thanks for the feedback! I hadn't thought about those variants of Spanish, but will look into it.

    If you share audio with someone who doesn't have an account, they will get an email where they can join for free.

    • gus_massa 4 days ago

      My guess is that Puerto Rico and Cuba/Miami is a bigger market. I'm not sure you can put all of them in the same basket and I'm not sure how to call them to avoid ofending someone.

moomoodacow 4 days ago

I hate pulling out my phone to look at my grocery list, so now you're telling me I can put my grocery list in ReDecibel and it will play it on repeat while I walk through the store?!! Very neat.

AntiqueEst 5 days ago

Cool project, thanks for sharing! I appreciate that the audio feeds are kept in the podcast app

mjberg01 5 days ago

Interesting....I've been looking for something like this for a while. Nice work.