muzani 4 days ago

It's a tad slow. Also to be useful, it should show a model with the whole thing. I could imagine the outfit, but I don't really desire it.

  • 01jonny01 4 days ago

    Yeh the bottleneck is the OpenAi api. I experimented with trying to get the clothing onto the uploaded pic, but its not relaible and difficult to train the model due to the number of permutations.

    • muzani 4 days ago

      It seems to have sped up a lot, otherwise I would have recommended something like Claude Haiku which is lightweight, cheap, faster and capable of this kind of work.

      Quality goes up a lot with images though. I was going to complain that it mostly recommends white people fashion, but if you upload a photo of a hijabi in a long dress, it does quite well. It finds something with matching colors, and doesn't do the expected faux pas of a hijab and miniskirt.

      You might be on to something; it just needs some more polish.

gus_massa 4 days ago

I got "black trousers" in the recomendations, but the images show blue, blue, pink, black, white, ... Perhaps the problem is that I got the recomensation in Spanish and that is confusing the webpage.

YaBa 2 days ago

Doesn't work with uBlock Origin; disabling adblock produces results but no images at all.