thunderbong 6 hours ago

Couple of points I found interesting in the article -

> Also sometimes if I have two tables where I know I’ll never need to do a JOIN beteween them, I’ll just put them in separate databases so that I can connect to them independently.

Never thought of using SQLite like this. Will keep this in mind!

> I’ve tried to learn Rails a couple of times and I really want to love Rails – I’ve made a couple of toy websites in Rails and it’s always felt like a really magical experience. But ultimately when I come back to those projects I can’t remember how anything works and I just end up giving up. It feels easier to me to come back to my Go projects that are full of a lot of repetitive boilerplate, because at least I can read the code and figure out how it works.

Reflects my experience with Rails as well. In contrast to this when I build using Ruby (Roda, Sequel), I never have this problem.