akhileshwar09 5 hours ago

there are many people every day they got trapped and lost their money...these scammers basically pretending as they owned the company and steal money and users personal data. in my opinion the linkdin should increase the security and verification especially for people who are hiring ...

also i've seen people in comments on random posts saying ..DM me there is some job offers and u get these salary blah blah blah ... these are fake and they should be punished,.

  • simonhamp 4 hours ago

    Absolutely. And at the height of a global employment crisis, this is diabolical, people taking advantage of many earnest folks

    But worse: LinkedIn being aware of it and doing nothing to stop it

simonhamp 6 hours ago

It appears that they're vacuuming up applicant data by posting jobs as if they're from a certain Page (brand) but in reality they're not affiliated with that brand at all.

Who knows where this data is ending up

  • zero-sharp 6 hours ago

    I don't know if there is causation going on, but I have a feeling that I get more spam calls when I apply for jobs. Just a feeling.

    • raincom 6 hours ago

      Earlier, I used to get crypto investment scam texts. These days, I get so many SMS messages for scam jobs, even though I am not looking.

      • akhileshwar09 5 hours ago

        when it comes to crypto or trading .. we see lot of scammers out there especially people who invest through bitcoins.

    • bbarnett 6 hours ago

      Of course you do. If you use a Samsung phone (just an example), its apps scan everything you open for phone numbers, etc.

      And if you interact with anyone at all, or even if you call them, well now you're in call history. People are happy to share call history to save 99 cents on an app.

      So yes.