anenefan 8 hours ago

It might seem as such given an opportunity being taught or getting a familiarity with doing something practical, means the child is also are moving towards understanding the science, the nuances of engineering and design in regard to how something functions. Sadly more times it does not, as such actions are simply rote with no real understanding, unless that's taught at the same time. However knowing how to perform a task satisfactorily and safely is always a good thing, not to mention the grounding gives them something to build on later in life.

When it comes to some of those practical tasks which in regard to fixing failing plumbing or other bought items, with no two things generally quite the same, the more important skill to be gained would be figuring out how to adapt a given order of things to complete the task to suit something similar that also needs fixing.

Sewing and cooking was taught at schools in my locale - pity was though at the time I grew up, it was only for girls. I can burn water so it's probably wasn't going to be a class I'd be allowed in for too long - despite that I was ok but a bit slow in a chemistry lab, later in life at a party I'd be thrown in front of BBQ - the surprising thing I can cook steak and sausages pretty much on the money, put me in a kitchen with a conventional pan and charcoal will ensure. Thank the gods for microwaves with timers and air fryers as they mostly kept me from ruining perfectly good food.

Probably what is more helpful to young adults are a good set of tips.

Do not use fucking air impact wrenches to tighten up wheel nuts unless it's a particularly sophisticated air gun where tension can be accurately set. Yes the apprentices in tyre shops might use bog standard air guns, but they aim for less time spent and thus try to guess before the nut strips out and generally the tyre shop is not so unlucky for the customer to come back once they find out though misfortune, they can't get the wheel off as the nut has stripped and wheel studs need to be replaced at the tyre shop's cost.

Any washing machine or dishwasher being newly installed in an apartment or house, unless placed in an area (a designated wet zone) that is well drained, always replace the only lasting a few years flexible hoses with the best should last 20 years or more and rated for pressure well above the job it needs to do - hydraulic shock can be nasty in regard to cheap flexible rubber / plastic hoses.

Edit fix typo.